The club has two accredited members who are available to coach members who wish to improve their game, , Dawn McQuilton and Gerald Milton. Bothhave had considerable experience. All have played at club, regional and state level.
The club also invites the State Coaching Coordinator, Ruth Duffy, to provide members with general tips on how to improve their game and to explain any major changes to the rules of Golf Croquet.

Dawn McQuilton
Wodonga Coach
Dawn McQuilton joined the club in 2017. She has played extensively in regional and state competitions, winning the Singles competition at Walla Walla and the Wodonga Club championship in 2018, and has been the runner up in other regional and inter-regional competitions. In 2019, she participated in the Sandringham Singles Championships and in the Australian Singles and Doubles Championship held at the Twin City Croquet Club, Albury, where she was the runner up in the Handicap Plate. She is a member of Wodonga’s team in the NEDCA Pennant competition and in 2021 played at Cairnlea in the VCA’s Selectors’ Invitation competition.

Gerald Milton
Wodonga Coach
Gerald Milton has been a member of the club for some ten years. He is a keen participant, particularly in regional competitions. He was the winner in the NEDCA Singles Championship in A Division in 2019 and was A Division’s runner up in 2021. He has served as the club’s Vice President and as the Club Captain. As Club Captain, he led Wodonga’s team to victory in the 2018 NEDCA Pennant competition.